AEW Dynamite Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For December 6, 2023

Publish date: 2024-05-14

It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the December 6, 2023 episode.

The start time for AEW Dynamite is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

This week’s episode promises to be an action-packed show, broadcasting live from the Bell Centre in Montreal. The highlight of the evening is a highly anticipated singles match between Adam Copeland and Christian Cage, marking their first one-on-one encounter in over 13 years. The stakes are high as they battle for Cage’s TNT Championship. Additionally, the show will serve as a stepping stone towards next month’s Worlds End PPV.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (12/6/2023):

AEW Dynamite Results (12/6/2023):

The broadcast commenced with the explosive opening as pyrotechnics lit up the stage. Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone took their seats at the commentary table, guiding the audience through the Continental Classic tournament standings and revealing the lineup for the upcoming episode.

The ring announcer, Justin Roberts, introduced Jon Moxley, who entered through the audience. Jose, Dralistico, and Preston Vance joined him on stage, while Rush made his entrance as his companions headed backstage.

Jon Moxley vs Rush

Rush executed a suplex in the opening moments of the match, causing Moxley to visibly struggle with his injured shoulder. Taz provided a detailed analysis, expertly describing how Moxley’s shoulder had been previously injured, with a replay illustrating the damage.

Moxley and Rush brawled their way into the crowd, prompting the commentary team to note that the referee was showing leniency by not initiating a count-out. Taz expressed his approval for the referee’s decision to let them fight outside the ring. Upon their return to the ring, Rush and Moxley exchanged fierce chops, inciting a “Let’s Go Moxley” chant from the crowd.

Rush positioned Moxley in a seated posture in the corner and teased executing his finishing move, causing Moxley to cover up in anticipation. Rush then struck his signature Tranquilo pose. In response, Moxley defiantly stood up and flipped off Rush. The skirmish continued at ringside, with Rush ultimately suplexing Moxley into the barricade just as the broadcast transitioned to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

In the latter stages of the match, Rush attempted to execute his Bull’s Horns finisher, but Moxley quickly surged to his feet and delivered a powerful clothesline. Following this, Moxley connected with his devastating Death Rider maneuver on Rush and covered him for a near fall. Without wasting any time, Moxley transitioned into his Bulldog Choke submission hold. Despite Rush’s frantic attempts to break free, he eventually succumbed to unconsciousness.

Jon Moxley secured the victory over Rush, with the match lasting 14 minutes and 35 seconds, earning him three crucial points in the Continental Classic tournament.

Excalibur provided insight, explaining that with Moxley accumulating a total of nine points, Mark Briscoe and Jay Lethal needed to win their respective matches in order to avoid elimination.

The broadcast then featured a video package that included brief comments from Jay White and Jay Lethal regarding their upcoming tournament match.

Renee Paquette took center stage and introduced Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett for an interview. Strong, who had been brought out in a wheelchair, expressed his belief that MJF would inevitably betray Samoa Joe. Paquette raised the possibility that MJF might not be as untrustworthy as Strong thought, prompting him to dismiss her suggestion as absurd.

Strong then made a dramatic decision, rising from his wheelchair to declare that he would no longer allow it to hinder him. Taven and Bennett reacted with amazement, as if witnessing a miracle. Strong forcefully pushed the wheelchair off the stage, watching it roll into the barricade. He emphasized that the wheelchair had held him back for far too long. The broadcast then went to a commercial break.

Renee Paquette conducted an interview with Hangman Page outside MJF’s locker room. Page acknowledged that Swerve Strickland had defeated him in their Texas Death Match, but he made it clear that he had taken something away from that encounter, implying that their rivalry wasn’t finished.

MJF emerged from his locker room and sarcastically commented on the intense match between Page and Strickland, quipping about their competition for “STDs.” He then recalled defeating Page in the past, referring to him as a “white trash hick,” and emphasized his suspicion that Page might be the masked devil.

Just as tensions between Page and MJF escalated, Samoa Joe intervened, positioning himself between the two to prevent a physical altercation. Joe directed his attention to Page, stating that MJF was now his responsibility. He questioned Page’s actions and informed MJF that they had other matters to attend to tonight, unrelated to Page.

Mark Briscoe made his way to the ring, ready for his match. Prince Nana and Brian Cage made their entrance, followed by Swerve Strickland, before they all proceeded backstage, setting the stage for the upcoming contest.

Swerve Strickland vs. Mark Briscoe in a Continental Classic tournament Gold League match

The match began with both competitors circling each other, engaging in a collar and elbow tie-up. Strickland attempted an arm drag, but Briscoe smoothly transitioned into a front chancery. Swerve countered with a sleeper hold and then shifted into a side headlock. He was shot off the ropes and executed a sunset flip, but Mark Briscoe managed to slip through and regain control with a side headlock. After being shot off the ropes again, Briscoe executed a straight suplex followed by a side Russian legsweep and a big elbow. Swerve responded with a snapmare and a diving elbow to the back of Briscoe’s neck.

Mark Briscoe passed Swerve to the floor, then delivered a dropkick through the ropes. They traded shots on the apron, with Briscoe landing an enzuigiri. Shane Strickland followed Briscoe to the barricade, and a suplex off the barricade took us to a commercial break.

Returning from the commercial, Strickland delivered elbows into a hanging neckbreaker, followed by an Ode to Jim Breaks, but Briscoe fought back with an upkick and unleashed his Redneck Kung Fu offense. Swerve regained control, went to the top rope, then came back down. Briscoe attempted a desperation lariat but came up just short. Swerve executed a House Call to cut him off, then climbed to the top rope, attempting a 450 splash. However, Briscoe reversed it into a side press for a near fall.

A Froggy Bow attempt by Briscoe was countered, leading to a crucifix pin attempt that still couldn’t secure the victory. Finally, Strickland hit a Death Valley Driver off the top rope, and Shane Strickland emerged victorious with the Swerve Stomp for the pinfall.

Backstage, Renee Paquette conducted an interview with Mariah May. May expressed her excitement about her recent meeting with Tony Khan, noting that it went exceptionally well. She mentioned that they are working to ensure her debut is memorable and impactful. However, she chose not to reveal the identity of her first opponent, believing that tonight’s focus should be on Toni Storm.

As the interview concluded, Samoa Joe made his entrance but found himself surrounded by the Devil’s followers.

Suddenly, the arena’s lights went out, plunging everything into darkness. When the lights came back on, Joe was left alone, and a brief glimpse of the Devil appeared on the tron before the broadcast cut to Maxwell Jacob Friedman, who was found laid out and unconscious backstage.

Joe hurried backstage, concerned for MJF’s well-being, and the broadcast went to a commercial break.

Following the commercial break, a recap of the earlier events was shown, highlighting Samoa Joe’s encounter with the Devil’s followers and Maxwell Jacob Friedman’s mysterious assault backstage.

In a backstage promo, Jon Moxley expressed his determination to emerge victorious in the Continental Classic, asserting himself as the “Ace of the World.” Shane Strickland approached and declared that he would stop at nothing to win, regardless of who stands in his path. Prince Nana found Strickland’s confidence amusing, to which Moxley responded by saying that he would do the same when they face each other next week.

“Timeless” Toni Storm vs. Sky Blue

Ben Mankiewicz then had a cutaway to introduce Toni Storm, emphasizing how she represents the challenges and triumphs faced by women in professional wrestling. He noted that tonight’s match might be her most significant role yet.

In the early stages of the match, Toni Storm had the upper hand, keeping her opponent grounded with a side headlock on the mat. Blue Velvet managed to work her way back to her feet and reversed the hold into a wristlock. Toni quickly countered and struck a confident pose. However, Skye responded with an arm drag, followed by a tijeras that sent the champion tumbling to the outside.

Storm cut off Skye’s momentum with a forearm strike, and Luther, who was at ringside, picked Blue Velvet up and dropped her off the apron with a lariat. Storm then unleashed a series of mounted chops against the barricade, prompting referee Paul Turner to instruct her to bring the action back inside the ring. Toni, however, continued her assault with the chops and even broke the referee’s count. She concluded her attack with a running hip attack against the barricade, and the broadcast went to a commercial break.

Returning from the commercial break, Blue Velvet attempted a rising knee strike and looked to execute her Skyefall finishing move, but Toni Storm countered with a powerful German suplex. Storm followed up with a facewash and her own finishing maneuver, the Code Blue, but Blue Velvet managed to kick out, coming incredibly close to victory.

With both competitors on the turnbuckles, Toni Storm executed a superplex, then lined up Blue Velvet and landed a running hip attack. However, Blue Velvet managed to counter Storm’s subsequent Jackknife pin attempt. The match took an unexpected turn as Toni Storm secured the victory with a sunset flip, successfully retaining the AEW Women’s World Championship.

After the match, Riho made her entrance and confronted Toni Storm, delivering a sudden dropkick as a challenge. Riho then prepared to launch herself off the ropes, but Luther intervened and carried Toni Storm away from the impending confrontation. The broadcast went to a commercial break.

Upon returning from the break, a video package aired to promote the upcoming match between Adam Copeland and Christian Cage.

Jay Lethal (0) vs. “Switchblade” Jay White (3) (Continental Classic Gold League Match)

The match began with a grappling exchange, with Jay White taking control by applying a side headlock. However, Jay Lethal reversed it, executing a hip toss and transitioning into La Casita for a near fall, but White managed to kick out. Lethal continued his offensive display with a cartwheel through a hip toss, followed by a dropkick and a confident strut.

But Jay White swiftly regained the momentum, and the action prompted a commercial break.

Returning from the commercial break, Jay Lethal executed a Lethal Combination, leaving both competitors down and struggling to recover. Lethal climbed to the top rope and delivered a diving elbow drop but was unable to secure the victory. Jay White fought back with a Brainbuster and engaged in a back-and-forth exchange of chops with Lethal.

Lethal attempted his signature move, the Lethal Injection, but White countered with a victory roll pin, surprising Lethal and securing the three-count for the win.

The commentary team then promoted the upcoming Rampage card, and the broadcast went to another break.

Adam Copeland vs. Christian Cage (C) for the TNT Championship

In the opening moments of the match, Adam Copeland threw the first slap, catching Christian Cage off guard. Copeland then took Christian down into a sleeper hold, but Cage managed to reach the ropes, forcing a break. Adam picked up Christian and paid tribute to his comeback buddy Sheamus with a move called the “Beats of the Bodhran,” following it up by blasting Christian off the ropes.

Both competitors spilled to the outside, with Copeland repeatedly smashing Christian’s face into the announce desk. Back inside the ring, Christian tried to beg off, but Adam was relentless. The action spilled back to the floor, where Copeland choked Cage against the barricade. Christian, however, managed to turn the tide and threw Adam over the barricade, prompting a commercial break.

Returning from the commercial break, Christian Cage used overhead elbows and targeted Adam Copeland’s nose, applying a rear chinlock to keep the pressure on. Copeland fought back, snapping Christian’s neck over the top rope. Back in the ring, Copeland executed a frog splash, but Christian kicked out. Copeland then attempted the Impaler, but Christian kicked out once again.

Both competitors climbed to the top rope, vying for control. Adam Copeland attempted a Liger Bomb but couldn’t secure the victory. The match continued with a back-and-forth exchange. Christian Cage evaded a spear from Copeland and quickly followed up with a Killswitch for a near fall.

As both men lay on the mat, Copeland accidentally knocked referee Bryce Remsburg out of the ring. Christian took advantage of the situation by delivering a low blow to Copeland and grabbing the title belt. However, before he could use it, Copeland ducked the attack and hit a spear. Unfortunately, there was no referee to make the count.

At this moment, Shanna Wayne made her presence felt at ringside and struck Copeland with the title belt. She was revealed to be associated with Christian. With Copeland down, Christian Cage hit the Killswitch again, and referee Bryce Remsburg woke up to count the pinfall.

Christian Cage won the match with the Killswitch, successfully retaining the AEW TNT Championship. After the match, Christian shooed away the ringside doctor and stood tall with one foot on Copeland’s chest.

That concludes the show, folks!
