God Of War Ragnarok devs harassed by fans sending explicit photos

Publish date: 2024-05-14

God of War Ragnarok developers are being harassed by “fans” sending in explicit photos. Like seriously, why?

The God of War Ragnarok cinematics producer, Estelle Tigani revealed in a tweet that she has been sent explicit pictures with demands of a release date for the sequel.

Pro tip: sending me dick pics asking for the God of War Ragnarok release date will not, in fact, get me to reveal the release date.

To the people who are doing so, when did that ever work for you?! pic.twitter.com/U6Ea1Emi3X

— Estelle Tigani (@estelletigani) June 30, 2022

“Pro tip: sending me dick pics asking for the God of War Ragnarok release date will not, in fact, get me to reveal the release date,” tweeted Tigani. “To the people who are doing so, when did that ever work for you?!”

This is disgusting and wrong on so many levels, all because some “fans” are demanding a release date. Nothing justifies these actions.

They don’t deserve this

Cory Barlog, the creative director at Santa Monica Studio leapt to the defence of his co-workers and rightly expressed his anger at the offenders.

“Are you f****** kidding me with this now??? I cannot believe I even have to say this but don’t fucking send dick pics to ANYONE on this team, or anyone in this industry for that matter.”

He continued: “They are busting their ass to make some for you to enjoy. Show some f****** respect.”

Are you fucking kidding me with this now???

I cannot believe I even have to say this but don’t fucking send dick pics to ANYONE on this team, or anyone in this industry for that matter.

They are busting their ass to make some for you to enjoy.

Show some fucking respect. https://t.co/o0xEZkWouj

— cory barlog (@corybarlog) June 30, 2022

I get that fans are excited to get a release date for God of War Ragnarok, I’m a fan too. However, in no way shape or form does anything warrant people getting harassed like this.

Be kind to others

God of War (2018) is considered to be one of the best games of all time, and I have no doubts that Santa Monica Studio will be striving to improve on that success. 

We all want God of War Ragnarok to be an amazing game. I am sure the developers will reveal information when the time is right, even if that means having delays.

I always say to be kind, but we should be decent too. Be good to yourself and to others. I’m not even sorry if I sound preachy here, to those offenders, be better.

God of War Ragnarok will be released for PlayStation 5 as well as PlayStation 4, hopefully, this year.

While you’re here, be sure to check out our video of the week. 10 of the scariest horror games of all time are shown off. What is your favourite horror game?

Featured Image Credit: Santa Monica Studio/Source: Twitter
