Shinedown - Monsters Lyrics Meaning

Publish date: 2024-05-14

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Jul 16th 2019 !⃝

Smith states that the song was influenced by his past struggles with alcoholism and substance abuse that he struggled with around The Sound of Madness era of the band,stating:
"Everyone who knows a bit of my background with regard to substance abuse and alcoholism knows that I've battled with it. It's something I deal with on a daily basis. I've always been very honest about it, which is that I didn't do drugs today – and I didn't drink today – but I don't know what I'll do tomorrow, because I literally have to take it day by day. I never went to rehab, I didn't do a 12-step programme, and I don't talk about sobriety unless I'm asked about it. Even then, I don't spend much time on it because I literally live my life day by day. That's how I have to do it, but the dynamic in the song is not just about substance abuse. It's about a lot of different situations that people get put in because they have things in their mind that – for whatever reason – they used to sabotage themselves. They don't know why they do it, but they do it, and these are the monsters that I'm talking about: those voices that say, 'I know this is going to be really fucked up after it's over with, but let's do it anyway.' That's the sentiment in the song, when I sing that 'my monsters are real and they're trained to kill.'"

Smith similarly noted the song was influenced by his self-awareness of the issue, and his belief that despite his control of his sobriety, he feels that just one drink of alcohol could lead him straight back into binge drinking and causing trouble.

Sorry about your experience with your sister and your experience with yourself.

FYI, if we don't control our tongue we can really say hurtful things to others. To avoid having a poisonous tongue, think good and positive thoughts. Avoid thinking bad and negative thoughts. Control your thoughts and you will be able to control your mouth.


