Why Should I Water Mums from the Bottom?

Publish date: 2024-05-14

Video by Michaela Parker

Did you know that watering mums from the bottom is best? Wet leaves make it easy for fungal growth to set in, making plants look bad.

There’s nothing you can do about the rain but keeping water from the hose or watering can at the base of the plant can help you avoid problems.

Here are a few more tips from Dr. Gary Bachman, Extension horticulturist, to help you keep your mums looking their best:

Place plants in full sunlight. You’ll get the best flower-blooming action this way.

Choose plants at the nursery with buds that are just beginning to open. Plants at this stage will give you the longest color show.

Keep containers consistently moist. If plants dry out, their vibrant colors will fade. They can recover, but it takes a while.

For more information about gardening, visit Extension’s Lawn and Garden web page.

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