List of the Best Jodie Foster Movies Ranked Jodie Foster Filmography

Publish date: 2024-05-15

Jodie Foster is undoubtedly one of the most talented and versatile actresses in the film industry. With a career spanning decades, she has delivered memorable performances in a wide range of movies, showcasing her exceptional acting skills. But which of her films stand out as the absolute best? Which movies truly highlight the depth and range of her talent? In this article, we dive into Jodie Foster’s filmography to rank the top Jodie Foster movies. Prepare to be captivated as we explore her most iconic roles and discuss the films that have made a lasting impact on audiences.

best jodie foster movies ranked

Key Takeaways:

Taxi Driver (1976)

In her breakthrough role, Jodie Foster delivers an unforgettable performance in Taxi Driver, directed by Martin Scorsese. Portraying a 12-year-old prostitute, Foster’s portrayal of the young and vulnerable Iris earned her an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress. This gritty and bold film solidified Foster’s status as a rising star in Hollywood and demonstrated her exceptional talent at a young age.

Released in 1976, Taxi Driver explores the dark and seedy underbelly of New York City through the eyes of Travis Bickle, a mentally unstable taxi driver. Foster’s portrayal of Iris brings depth and complexity to the character, capturing the audiences’ attention and leaving a lasting impact. Her performance in this iconic film showcases her ability to tackle challenging and provocative roles with nuance and conviction.

“You talkin’ to me?” – Travis Bickle, Taxi Driver

Recognition and Influence

Through her exceptional performance in Taxi Driver, Jodie Foster cemented her place as one of the most talented actresses of her generation. Her portrayal of Iris remains a powerful and thought-provoking portrayal of a young woman caught in a disturbing world. The film’s themes of isolation, moral ambiguity, and societal disillusionment continue to resonate with audiences today.

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Jodie Foster delivers a captivating performance as FBI agent Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs. Her portrayal earned her a Best Actress Oscar and showcased her ability to command the screen in a tense psychological thriller.

1991The Silence of the LambsJonathan DemmePsychological Thriller

“I tried to imagine what Hannibal [Lecter]’s patients went through. Then, one day it dawned on me, I was one of them.” – Jodie Foster

The Accused (1988)

In The Accused, Jodie Foster delivers a powerful and moving performance as a rape victim seeking justice. With raw emotion and incredible depth, Foster portrays the harrowing journey of Sarah Tobias, a young woman who fights to hold her attackers accountable. The film sheds light on the harsh realities faced by survivors and challenges societal perceptions surrounding consent and victim-blaming.

Foster’s portrayal of Sarah Tobias garnered critical acclaim, earning her the highly esteemed title of Best Actress at the 61st Academy Awards. This recognition solidifies Foster’s exceptional talent and exceptional ability to tackle difficult and impactful subject matter.

“I had to make people understand that this isn’t about getting sympathy. It’s about getting respect.”

rape victim

Release YearTitleRoleAcademy Awards
1988The AccusedSarah TobiasBest Actress

Nell (1994)

Jodie Foster takes on the challenging role of Nell, a young woman who has lived in isolation in the wilderness her entire life. Foster’s nuanced performance brings depth and humanity to the character, earning critical acclaim.

Nell is a captivating film that explores the journey of a wild child, isolated from society and left to forge her own path in the untamed wilderness. Jodie Foster’s portrayal of Nell is nothing short of extraordinary, as she effortlessly captures the essence of a complex and mysterious character.

wild child

Throughout the film, Foster showcases her acting prowess by delving into the depths of Nell’s emotional world. She portrays the innocence, curiosity, and vulnerability of someone who has never interacted with the outside world. Foster’s performance is a masterclass in empathy, drawing audiences into Nell’s unconventional existence.

In Nell, Jodie Foster’s ability to convey a wide range of emotions without relying on spoken language is truly remarkable. Her physicality and expressive face communicate the complexities of isolation and the longing for connection. This film showcases Foster’s talent for portraying complex characters, solidifying her reputation as one of the most versatile actresses of her generation.

Jodie Foster’s performance in NellKey Highlights
Emotional depthFoster brings a depth and authenticity to Nell’s character, allowing audiences to empathize with her struggles.
Physicality and expressionFoster’s physical performance enhances the storytelling, conveying Nell’s emotions and experiences without relying on words.
Vulnerability and strengthFoster seamlessly balances Nell’s vulnerability with her undeniable strength, creating a complex and compelling character.

Nell is a thought-provoking film that explores themes of identity, resilience, and the power of human connection. Jodie Foster’s exceptional portrayal of Nell elevates the film to new heights and leaves a lasting impact on audiences.

Panic Room (2002)

Jodie Foster stars in the tense thriller Panic Room, where she plays a mother who must protect her daughter from intruders in their new home. Foster’s performance anchors the film and keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.

The film, directed by David Fincher, is a gripping tale of a woman pushed to her limits as she fights to keep her daughter safe. Foster’s portrayal of the determined and resourceful mother showcases her talent for bringing complex characters to life.

The Panic Room takes the audience on a heart-pounding journey as the mother-daughter duo navigates the confined space of the panic room while trying to outwit the intruders. Foster’s commanding presence and intense performance make her character relatable and sympathetic.

Combining elements of suspense, tension, and emotional depth, Panic Room is a must-watch thriller that showcases Jodie Foster’s versatility as an actress. Her ability to portray strength and vulnerability in equal measure adds layers to the film and engages the audience from start to finish.

Panic Room image

As the tension escalates, Foster’s performance becomes even more gripping, drawing viewers deeper into the story. Her chemistry with co-star Kristen Stewart, who plays her daughter, further enhances the emotional weight of the film.

“Jodie Foster’s performance in Panic Room is electrifying. She captivates the audience with her powerful portrayal of a mother fighting against all odds to protect her child.”
– Movie Critic

Panic Room stands as a testament to Jodie Foster’s talent and versatility, solidifying her status as one of Hollywood’s most respected actresses. Her ability to command the screen in a high-stakes thriller like this is unmatched.

If you’re a fan of gripping suspense and intense performances, Panic Room is a must-watch movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Inside Man (2006)

In the heist movie Inside Man, Jodie Foster delivers a confident and calculated performance as a fixer hired to manipulate the situation. Her presence adds intrigue and suspense to the film, showcasing her versatility as an actress.

As a prestigious fixer, Jodie Foster’s character is tasked with navigating the dangerous world of a high-stakes bank robbery. With her sharp intellect and unwavering determination, she becomes a crucial player in the intricate game of cat and mouse.

Jodie Foster’s portrayal captures the essence of her character’s suave and mysterious nature, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats. Her ability to command the screen and deliver nuanced performances shines brightly in this heist thriller.

The suspenseful plot, combined with Foster’s captivating performance, makes Inside Man a must-watch for fans of the genre. This film showcases Foster’s range as an actress, further solidifying her status as one of Hollywood’s finest talents.

Experience the thrill and suspense of Inside Man with Jodie Foster’s masterful performance.

Inside Man

Key Details

Release YearDirectorGenre
2006Spike LeeHeist, Crime, Thriller
StarringRuntimeIMDb Rating
Jodie Foster, Denzel Washington, Clive Owen2h 9min7.6/10

Contact (1997)

In the science fiction film Contact, Jodie Foster takes on the role of a determined scientist named Ellie Arroway. Ellie’s lifelong fascination with extraterrestrial life leads her on a captivating journey as she makes contact with intelligent beings from another world.

Foster’s performance in Contact is nothing short of extraordinary, as she brings depth and authenticity to the character. Through her portrayal, she explores the complexities of faith, science, and the human desire for connection beyond our own planet.

From the breathtaking scenes of radio astronomy to the gripping moments of first contact, Foster’s performance grounds the film in a relatable and thought-provoking way. Her portrayal of Ellie Arroway showcases her versatility as an actress, captivating the audience with her determination and unwavering curiosity.

extraterrestrial life

The film Contact combines elements of grandeur and wonder with philosophical questions about our place in the universe. It is a testament to Jodie Foster’s talent that she brings emotional depth and resonance to a story that ventures into the realms of both science and faith.

Contact remains a timeless science fiction masterpiece, solidifying Jodie Foster’s status as one of the most versatile and accomplished actresses of her generation.

The Brave One (2007)

Jodie Foster takes on the role of a radio host turned vigilante seeking revenge in the thrilling film, The Brave One. Her powerful portrayal delves into the moral complexities of justice and showcases Foster’s ability to tackle complex characters.

Playing the character of Erica Bain, Foster delivers a compelling performance that captivates audiences from start to finish. Erica’s life takes a tragic turn when she and her fiancé are brutally attacked in Central Park, leaving her seriously injured and her partner dead. Fueled by grief, anger, and a relentless desire for justice, she embarks on a vigilante mission to track down the criminals responsible for her pain.

The Brave One explores themes of revenge, morality, and the lengths one is willing to go to find redemption. Foster’s portrayal of Erica allows viewers to empathize with her journey as she wrestles with the consequences of her actions and questions the blurred lines between right and wrong. The film is a gripping exploration of vengeance and its impact on the human psyche.

“Sometimes I wonder why it happened to me. I try to understand how an ordinary life, becomes extraordinary.”
– Erica Bain, The Brave One

Foster’s performance in The Brave One showcases her immense talent and ability to convey raw emotion on screen. She effortlessly captures the internal struggles of her character and draws viewers into Erica’s world, where justice becomes a personal mission. Through her nuanced portrayal, Foster brings depth and complexity to the role of a vigilante seeking redemption.

The Brave One is a thought-provoking and intense film that highlights Jodie Foster’s capabilities as an actress. Her dedication to portraying complex characters and exploring challenging themes is evident in her performance. The movie stands as a testament to Foster’s talent and the power of storytelling.

The Brave One poster

Jodie Foster: A Fearless Performance

In The Brave One, Jodie Foster delivers a fearless performance that showcases her range as an actress. Known for her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters, Foster’s portrayal of Erica Bain is no exception. Her ability to convey Erica’s emotional journey, from trauma to empowerment, is a testament to her talent and dedication to her craft.

Throughout her filmography, Foster has consistently taken on challenging and complex roles, often exploring themes of justice, identity, and resilience. The Brave One is a shining example of her ability to portray characters with depth and nuance, and it further solidifies her status as one of Hollywood’s most talented actresses.

Money Monster (2016)

Experience the thrilling world of finance in the captivating film Money Monster. Directed by Jodie Foster, who also stars alongside George Clooney, this financial thriller takes audiences on a heart-pounding journey into the dark side of corporate greed and the power dynamics of the stock market.

Foster’s directing skills shine in Money Monster, as she expertly crafts a suspenseful story that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Her meticulous attention to detail and ability to build tension make this film a must-watch for fans of the genre.

In addition to her directing talents, Foster delivers a powerful performance as the fearless and determined TV show host, Lee Gates. As the hostage situation unfolds during a live broadcast, Foster’s portrayal brings depth and complexity to her character, exploring themes of responsibility, redemption, and the human toll of the financial industry.

With George Clooney’s charismatic presence and Foster’s compelling performance, Money Monster is a thought-provoking and adrenaline-fueled ride from start to finish. It serves as a cautionary tale that exposes the consequences of unchecked greed and the pursuit of wealth at any cost.

“In this financial thriller, Jodie Foster and George Clooney deliver gripping performances that shed light on the darker side of Wall Street.” – The Financial Times

Don’t miss these standout moments in Money Monster:

Discover the cast of Money Monster:

Jodie FosterLee Gates
George ClooneyKyle Budwell
Julia RobertsPatty Fenn
Jack O’ConnellKyle’s Brother

Experience the adrenaline rush of Money Monster as Jodie Foster takes you on a thrilling journey into the heart of financial power and corruption. With its compelling story, stellar performances, and thought-provoking themes, this film is a must-watch for fans of both Jodie Foster and the financial thriller genre.

Money Monster Image

The Mauritanian (2021)

In the legal drama The Mauritanian, Jodie Foster delivers a powerful performance as a defense attorney representing a Guantanamo Bay detainee. Her role showcases her ability to convey strength and determination on screen.

The film, based on a true story, follows the journey of Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a Mauritanian man who is held in Guantanamo Bay detention camp without charges. Foster’s character, Nancy Hollander, takes on his case and fights for his rights and freedom. As Hollander, Foster portrays a strong and relentless advocate, bringing depth and authenticity to the character.

“I have been a fan of Jodie Foster’s work for years, and her performance in The Mauritanian did not disappoint. She brings a level of nuance and intensity to her role, capturing both the determination and vulnerability of her character. It’s a standout performance that showcases her talent as an actress.” – Movie Critic

The film delves into the complexities of the legal system and raises important questions about human rights and justice. Through Foster’s portrayal, the audience is taken on an emotional journey, witnessing the struggles and triumphs of both the defendant and his defense attorney.

With its compelling storytelling and thought-provoking themes, The Mauritanian shines a light on the injustices of Guantanamo Bay and underscores the importance of upholding human rights and due process. Foster’s performance in this legal drama cements her status as one of the industry’s finest actors.

The Mauritanian


Jodie FosterNancy Hollander
Tahar RahimMohamedou Ould Slahi
Shailene WoodleyTeri Duncan
Benedict CumberbatchStuart Couch

Ranking Jodie Foster’s Filmography

As we wrap up our exploration of Jodie Foster’s illustrious film career, it’s time to delve into the highest-rated Jodie Foster movies that have captivated both audiences and critics. From intense dramas to gripping thrillers, Foster’s filmography showcases her exceptional talent and versatility as an actress.

Coming in at number one is the iconic Taxi Driver, directed by Martin Scorsese. In this groundbreaking 1976 film, Foster shines as a 12-year-old prostitute, delivering a performance that earned her an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

Next on the list is the chilling psychological thriller The Silence of the Lambs, where Foster’s portrayal of FBI agent Clarice Starling earned her a well-deserved Best Actress Oscar. Her ability to command the screen is evident throughout this gripping and unforgettable film.

Another standout film in Foster’s filmography is the powerful drama The Accused, in which she tackles the role of a rape victim seeking justice. This compelling performance earned her a Best Actress Oscar, solidifying her reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

These are just a few examples of the top 10 Jodie Foster films that have left a lasting impact on audiences. Her ability to immerse herself in diverse roles and bring authenticity to each character is what sets her apart. Jodie Foster’s filmography is a testament to her exceptional talent and unwavering dedication to her craft.


What are some of the best Jodie Foster movies?

Some of the best Jodie Foster movies include Taxi Driver, The Silence of the Lambs, The Accused, Nell, Panic Room, Inside Man, Contact, The Brave One, Money Monster, and The Mauritanian.

What role did Jodie Foster play in Taxi Driver?

In Taxi Driver, Jodie Foster played the role of a 12-year-old prostitute.

What awards did Jodie Foster win for her performance in The Silence of the Lambs?

Jodie Foster won the Best Actress Oscar for her role as FBI agent Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs.

What is The Accused about, and what award did Jodie Foster win for her role?

The Accused is a film about a rape victim seeking justice, and Jodie Foster won the Best Actress Oscar for her powerful performance.

What is the plot of Nell, and how did Jodie Foster’s performance in the film resonate with audiences?

In Nell, Jodie Foster portrays a young woman who has lived in isolation in the wilderness. Her nuanced performance earned critical acclaim and showcased her talent as an actress.

What is Panic Room about, and what role does Jodie Foster play?

Panic Room is a tense thriller in which Jodie Foster plays a mother who must protect her daughter from intruders in their new home.

What is Inside Man about, and what role does Jodie Foster play?

Inside Man is a heist movie, and Jodie Foster delivers a confident and calculated performance as a fixer hired to manipulate the situation.

What is the premise of Contact, and what role does Jodie Foster play?

Contact is a science fiction film where Jodie Foster portrays a scientist who makes contact with extraterrestrial life.

What is The Brave One about, and how does Jodie Foster’s character evolve throughout the film?

The Brave One is about a radio host who becomes a vigilante seeking revenge. Jodie Foster delves into the moral complexities of justice through her portrayal of the character.

What is Money Monster, and who does Jodie Foster direct and star alongside in the film?

Money Monster is a financial thriller directed by Jodie Foster, who also stars alongside George Clooney.

What is The Mauritanian about, and what role does Jodie Foster play?

The Mauritanian is a legal drama in which Jodie Foster delivers a powerful performance as a defense attorney representing a Guantanamo Bay detainee.

How are Jodie Foster’s movies ranked?

Jodie Foster’s movies are ranked based on critical acclaim and audience reception to provide an overview of her impressive filmography and highlight the films that have resonated the most with audiences and critics.
