Was Walt Disney frozen after death?

Publish date: 2024-05-15
The strange myth of Walt Disney's frozen head

In the latest episode of Debunked, Nicholas Barber looks into the persistent myth that the man behind Mickey Mouse was cryogenically preserved.

Have you heard the rumour that following his death, Walt Disney was frozen? The story goes that he was cryogenically frozen so that he could be brought back to life once the science had been developed.

There are variations on this popular myth: you may well have heard the version that it was just his head, rather than his whole body, or that its currently stored under Disneyland’s Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

But is there any truth to one of Hollywood’s most widely-believed – and persistent – legends? In our latest episode of Debunked, Nicholas Barber separates the fact from the fairy story.

Press play to watch the video above.

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