Valtteri Filppulas girlfriend Jordan Falcusan

Publish date: 2024-05-16

Valtteri Filppula’s girlfriend Jordan Falcusan has a first name that is easy to pronounce after reading it, so she’s already got her boyfriend beat in that category. She’s also a former Lady Vol of the soccer variety, and she spent some time at Texas A&M before Tennessee. She’s originally a Michigan girl, and she was born in 1986. So now that we’ve got the essential background stats out of the way, let’s talk about what she’s up to now.

After leaving college with a bachelor’s in sports management, she got herself a job in marketing at Eurosport as a promotions manager. That doesn’t sound to bad to me at all, but I’m doubting that she’s still working for that company, because her employment there said only 2010-2011. She also travels to Finland quite a bit with her guy. Valtteri Filppula’s girlfriend seems to be having an interesting time in her twenties: classifying her home locations as Michigan, Finland, and Tampa. I guess Michigan and Finland may have a few things in common now that I think about it. Tampa is the exact opposite of both of those places though. Interestingly, Jordan does show up on the Florida court system as having had some kind of processing, but it was probably just a parking or motor violation of some kind.

There’s a few pictures on the net of Jordan hanging out with the other hockey girlfriends and wives, and she seems to be pretty good friends with Therese Karlsson (Erik Karlsson’s wife). I guess if you’re Valtteri and you can’t find a Finnish friend on the team, take a Swedish one? It looks like the two couples attended a massive concert of the electronic and rave variety as well. There’s a few pictures of them in an absolutely enormous rave, and Therese and Jordan look like they’re being good sports about the whole thing. I would guess Jordan’s first musical love is not European techno, but maybe I’m just assuming about what people from Michigan are into.
