Fame | Jim Bridenstine net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

Publish date: 2024-05-17

How old is Jim Bridenstine? When is Jim Bridenstine's birthday? Where is Jim Bridenstine born? Where did Jim Bridenstine grow up from? What's Jim Bridenstine's age?

Jim Bridenstine Born: June 15, 1975 (age 48years), Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Is Jim Bridenstine married? When did Jim Bridenstine get married? Who's Jim Bridenstine's married to? (Who's Jim Bridenstine's husband / wife)?

Jim Bridenstine Spouse: Michelle Bridenstine

Does Jim Bridenstine have any children? What are the names of Jim Bridenstine's children? What are the ages of Jim Bridenstine's children?

Jim Bridenstine Children: Sarah Bridenstine, Grant Bridenstine, Walker Bridenstine

How about Jim Bridenstine's education?

Jim Bridenstine Education: Cornell University (2009), Jenks High School (1993), Rice University

How about Jim Bridenstine's full name?

Jim Bridenstine Full name: James Frederick Bridenstine

How about Jim Bridenstine's party?

Jim Bridenstine Party: Republican Party

How about Jim Bridenstine's previous position?

Jim Bridenstine Previous position: NASA Administrator (20182021), Representative, OK 1st District (20132018)

What happened to Jim Bridenstine NASA Administrator?

Former NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine joined the board of directors of spacecraft propulsion startup Phase Four, the company told CNBC.

Why is Jim Bridenstine leaving NASA?

Multiple sources have confirmed that Bridenstine would have stepped down or been moved aside had Trump been reelected. He had legitimate family reasons for doing so\u2014the 45-year-old has a young and growing family and a desire to spend more time with them in Oklahoma.

Who is the head of NASA 2023?

Chair: General Lester L. Lyles (USAF, Ret.)

Who is currently the head of NASA?

Administrator Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson was sworn in as the 14th NASA Administrator on May 3, 2021, tasked with carrying out the Biden-Harris administration's vision for the agency. Nelson served in the U.S. Senate for 18 years from Florida and as a payload specialist on space shuttle mission 61-C in 1986.
