A god dating sim is Cult of the Lamb's latest Twitter joke - and fans want it for real

Publish date: 2024-05-18
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A new Twitter post from Cult of the Lamb has set off a spark in the game’s community. The video attached to the Tweet showcases some of the game’s most beloved deities in a way we’ve never seen them before — a visual novel-style dating simulator.

💘 💘 🐑 💘 💘 pic.twitter.com/nJ22vJASof

— Cult of the Lamb (@cultofthelamb) February 14, 2023

The video features characters like Heket and Leshy breaking the fourth wall to introduce themselves to viewers, explaining their ideal type, and even dropping a few classic pickup lines in the process. Leshy even gives out his phone number, which some Twitter users have actually called, only to find out Leshy’s line is overwhelmed with all of his admirers. These characters, originally designed to embody a darkly whimsical aesthetic, become all the more endearing when placed against such a cheery and romantic backdrop.

Clearly meant as a joke for Valentine’s Day, we don’t think the Cult of the Lamb team was expecting such a positive response — replies from fans are making it clear that they’re eager to see more. In response to the conversation, the Cult of the Lamb Twitter account followed up with what appears to be an interest check for a real dating simulator.

Related: How to earn Devotion in Cult of the Lamb

It’s no surprise that the goofy video received such a good response upon its release; Cult of the Lamb was one of the most successful indie projects of 2022, receiving high praise for its unique art style and digestible gameplay. Considering the game’s success and the prevalence of other delightfully unconventional dating simulators, like Hatoful Boyfriend or Monster Prom, the idea of a Cult of the Lamb love story seems completely feasible in today’s indie space. As far as a concrete announcement goes, we might have to wait for next Valentine’s Day for our answer.

About the author

Louie Gillette

An avid writer and cosplayer, Louie has enjoyed anime and JRPGs for over a decade. He enjoys dissecting the latest news stories and controversies, as well as creating content related to Genshin Impact and smaller indie titles. When he's not typing furiously on his keyboard, you'll find him binge-watching reality TV or working on his latest cosplay project.

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