Mike Matusow Net Worth - BlinkBlog

Publish date: 2024-05-18

What is Mike Matusow’s Net Worth and Salary?

Mike Matusow is a professional poker player who is estimated to have a net worth of $8 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. His salary is quite variable, as it heavily relies on his performances at tournaments and cash games.

Matusow has won over $9 million in career earnings from tournaments alone, with his big wins coming from some of the biggest poker competitions in the world. He has also had success with cash games, earning six-figure sums in some instances.

Early Life and Education

Mike Matusow was born on April 30, 1968, in Los Angeles, California. He had a tough upbringing, with his father leaving when he was just nine years old and his mother struggling with addictions throughout his childhood. This led to Matusow spending much of his early life in children’s homes.

Despite these challenges, Matusow was able to graduate from high school. He attended the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, but quickly dropped out. Matusow found himself working in various jobs before discovering his talent for poker.


Matusow began his poker career in the early 1990s in Las Vegas, where he would often play small games in local casinos. By the mid-1990s, he had moved on to bigger tournaments and began making a name for himself in the world of poker.

Since then, he has earned a reputation as one of the most skilled and unpredictable players in the game. Matusow is known for his aggressive style of play, which has helped him win several major tournaments, including four World Series of Poker bracelets.

In addition to his many tournament wins, Matusow has also made a name for himself in the world of online poker, earning millions from playing on popular sites like Full Tilt Poker.

Personal Life

Matusow has been married twice and has two children. He has also publicly struggled with addiction issues. In 2003, he was arrested for possession of cocaine and sentenced to six months in prison. Since then, he has been open about his battles with addiction and has sought treatment to help him overcome his issues.

Illness and Death (If Applicable)

As of now, Mike Matusow is still alive and continues to play poker. However, he has battled with many health issues throughout his career. In 2009, he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer known as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, which can cause blood clots to form in the body. He has also dealt with obesity, which can be a significant health concern.

Real Estate

Mike Matusow is known for his love of real estate, and he has made several investments in properties over the years. In 2008, he purchased a $1.8 million mansion in Las Vegas, which he later sold for more than $2.5 million. He has also invested in several other properties throughout his career.


Mike Matusow has left a significant mark on the world of professional poker. He is known for his aggressive style of play, his many tournament wins, and his charismatic personality. Matusow has also been an inspiration to many people who struggle with addiction, as he has been open about his own battles and has sought help to overcome his demons.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Mike Matusow’s big breakthrough in poker?

Mike Matusow’s breakthrough came in 1999 when he won his first World Series of Poker bracelet in a $3,500 No-Limit Hold’em event. Since then, he has won three more WSOP bracelets.

2. What is Mike Matusow known for in poker?

Mike Matusow is known for his aggressive style of play and his unpredictable behavior at the table. He is often called “The Mouth” because of his tendency to talk a lot during games.

3. How much has Mike Matusow won in tournaments?

Mike Matusow has won over $9 million in career earnings from tournaments alone. His big wins come from some of the biggest poker competitions in the world.

4. How did Mike Matusow learn to play poker?

Mike Matusow learned to play poker by playing small games in local casinos in Las Vegas. He quickly moved up to bigger tournaments and began making a name for himself in the world of poker.

5. How has Mike Matusow dealt with his addiction issues?

Mike Matusow has been open about his addiction issues and has sought treatment to help him overcome his demons. He has had several relapses over the years but continues to work on his sobriety.

6. Has Mike Matusow ever been in trouble with the law?

Yes, Mike Matusow has been in trouble with the law. In 2003, he was arrested for possession of cocaine and sentenced to six months in prison.

7. What has Mike Matusow said about his battles with addiction?

Mike Matusow has been very open about his struggles with addiction. He has said that he hopes his story will inspire others who struggle with addiction to seek help and that he is grateful for the chance to turn his life around.

8. What is Mike Matusow’s real estate portfolio like?

Mike Matusow has made several investments in properties over the years. In 2008, he bought a $1.8 million mansion in Las Vegas, which he later sold for more than $2.5 million. He has also invested in several other properties throughout his career.

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